Post Vacation Syndrome
Yes, I made that up, but it has a ring to it doesn't it? It's funny, with Covid-19 we didn't travel as a family for about 2 years, so we were really looking forward to our most recent vacation. I had almost forgotten how much preparation goes into a family vacation, this one especially, since we went from NC to FL to NH then back home to NC. And any of you Moms out there know how much work it takes to get the family organized to travel:)
On vacation I ate and drank things that I don't normally eat/drink. I had gluten, dairy, sugar and alcohol and think I ate french fries at least 4 times during the trip. I approached this vacation with a bit more ease than in years past when I would either diet or "cleanse" before hand so I wouldn't feel so guilty "indulging". I packed some healthy snacks and protein bars so I had some of my normal foods then just made the best decisions I could during mealtime.
I enjoyed the trip and jumped right back into my normal routine this week. However, I have had a terrible week digestively. I have been suffering quite a bit and haven't felt like this in a long time. I also have been super emotional and almost moody which isn't normal for me(my husband may disagree;) I can only assume that it is in part a result of my system being thrown out of balance while on our trip.
So, YES, you can indulge on vacation. But for me, it means that I have spent this week in pretty major discomfort as a result of those choices. Everything in moderation works for some people, but for others that have certain health conditions, it can mean a setback in healing.
So I have decided to call this "post vacation syndrome" and practice some extra self care this weekend as I would if I had a "real" illness