Got anxiety? Try these foods.
90% of my clients come to me with complaints like bloating, fatigue, brain fog AND anxiety.
Some of them are on anxiety medication and want to get off and others have taken medication in the past and don't want to go back. I honestly find very few women who have NOT been prescribed anxiety or depression medication at least once by the time they reach mid-life. Mental health is not something to take lightly, a topic I am very familiar with from my own healing journey.
This is NOT an email bashing medication use. It can be life-saving for SOO many people. However, when women want to find natural solutions to their health issues, I am here to help.
And as with everything in regards to our health, we are all unique so you might have to experiment to find which approach works best for you.
"Much of our increasing emotional distress stems from easily correctable malfunctions in our brain and body chemistry-malfunctions that are primarily the result of critical, unmet nutritional needs"
Julia Ross
Some basics to help manage anxiety:
✅Eat whole foods. Minimize or eliminate heavily processed and packaged foods like cookies, crackers, and fast food.
✅Include plenty of protein. Our neurotransmitters are made up of amino acids some of which we can only get from food(protein) or supplements. Neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and GABA all play a role in managing anxiety. Eating 30g of high-quality protein at breakfast can be a great way to start your day!
✅Try a 21-day elimination of gluten. Gluten sensitivity can limit the availability of tryptophan which leads to decreases in levels of serotonin.
✅Eat for blood sugar balance. One way to achieve this is to include fat, fiber, and protein at each meal.
✅Include healthy, Omega 3-rich fats. Good sources of fat=Olives, olive oil, ghee, coconut oil, flaxseeds, avocado, nuts and seeds, and wild-caught salmon.
✅Grass-fed red meat. This one may be controversial for some. For years we have been told to eliminate red meat for health or even environmental reasons. Most of this fearmongering has been debunked but it's definitely a personal choice. Red meat contains omega 3s, vitamins B6, B12, and D plus minerals that are important for mood like zinc, iron, and selenium.
Some people may choose to do a more comprehensive elimination diet removing things like dairy, grains, sugar, and alcohol in addition to gluten to get to the root of their health issues. However, others find they have some symptom resolution by just focusing on the strategy above.
My new 12-week Gut/Brain reset program will be diving MUCH deeper into tackling the root cause of anxiety, bloating, and brain fog. Stay tuned, more information on that in the coming weeks.
If you already know you want to be a part of this new program, you can get on the waitlist HERE.