So here I am, on the morning of my 49th birthday no more patient than I was 20 years ago. More accepting of change, YES, but more patient that's a pretty firm NO.
I have just completed week 5 of my hormone rebalancing(aka caffeine withdrawal) protocol. I have read that it can take 6 months to rebalance your hormones when you start from the depleted state I was in. My thought was, maybe 6 months for everyone else, but not me. Surely it was going to happen on a quicker time frame for me. For some reason I seem to think I defy the odds and can just "power through" things like this. Joke is on me, I am mortal after all.
This week I also decided to give my gut a little bit of a rest. I was doing a mini "purification protocol" where I drank 2 shakes a day then just had veggies at dinner. I turned my nose up at the shakes at first, but my FM provider said you get used to the taste and she was right, don't you hate it when that happens- LOL!
So, back to patience. I want things to happen NOW. I want change NOW. I want everything to happen at the speed of Amazon Prime. Being patient as my body heals is a struggle so I have to grab onto the little nuggets of change that I am noticing and be grateful for those:
- My psoriasis is better. Not gone, but much better and 1 spot is almost completely cleared up.
- I am dreaming like crazy! It has been a very long time since I have remembered my dreams
- I am sleeping great. I have no trouble getting to sleep and actually sleep through the night, and wake up feeling rested.
- I got my period for the first time in 8 months(not sure how this fits in, but it's hormone related so thought I would bless you with TMI)
- Eczema around my eyes is gone
I am determined to make the very most out of this last year before I hit the half-century mark, and am TRYING to be more patient with the speed at which things happen. I will continue to listen to my body and move forward even if it is one really teeny tiny baby step at a time.