I don't want to help you lose weight
Weight loss is a side effect of returning the body's systems to balance.
If you just want weight loss, there are PLENTY of drugs on the market now. I actually had a personal trainer years ago who wouldn't train people who told her their goal was to "be skinny". She said, "If you want to be skinny, just do cocaine. If you want to get strong and healthy, I will train you"!
BOOM. No Fs were given in that statement, just her raw, unfiltered opinion.
As a current Functional Medicine Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and training to be a Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor, weight loss in and of itself is not our primary goal.
Our primary goal when working with clients is to address the underlying causes that are keeping them stuck. The imbalances, deficiencies, toxicities, infections, and sometimes even excesses preventing their bodies from releasing the excess weight and coming back into balance.
It's a much more detailed and thorough approach than handing you a prescription for the latest drug on the market or giving you some macros and a workout plan.
We take into account YOU as a whole, not just your age, weight, and height, and the number of times you make it to the gym each week.
So, NO I don't want to help you lose weight. I want to help you get HEALTHY. That deep kind of health that translates into more confidence and joy and less stress and exhaustion.
Simply put less pain and more purpose.
Weight loss does not always equal optimal health.
Something to think about as you see all these "countdown to summer" weight loss challenges popping up all over your social media feed.
I want to thank you for being a part of my community and allowing me to voice my strong opinions about health and wellness topics!