My journey to becoming a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach-
3 years & counting....
It all started in March 2016 when I decided to do a bikini competition. Typing that now seems funny to me, because it was SO FAR from what I wanted or needed at the time but I didn't know that then. I had always admired elite athletes and the discipline and drive that it took to achieve that high level of fitness or performance. Knowing what a difficult time I have gaining muscle mass, I chose the bikini division since the other divisions would require me to pack on more muscle. When I told my family, I could hear the concern in their voices , knowing my history of an eating disorder. I assured them I was doing this "the right way" , I would be fine & I decided it was now or never since I was closing in on age 45. Fast forward 6 months, 20 pound weight gain, then 18 pound loss, many miserable nights either stuffed full(build phase) or grumbling stomach(cut phase), 7 days/week in the gym, LOTS of tears and no social life. I did the competition in September 2016 and can confidently say it was "one and done" for me. Being back stage during that competition, hearing ALL the disordered comments about food and fitness, I decided then and there I wanted to be a part of the SOLUTION going forward and no longer part of the problem.
I spent weeks researching Health Coach certification courses, speaking with reps from a few different organizations and trying to figure out the right path. There was sooo much information to consider- and I am really good at overanalyzing things.
I started with the ACE Health Coach certification in September 2017, since that was the most credible, financially accessible certification I could manage at that time. Moving on to Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification in March 2018, then another ACE Certification- Behavior Change Specialist.
Love of learning is my #1 character strength, go figure.