3 Things I Learned From C*vid
I have had a LOT of changes/challenges over the last few months and feel like I am just catching up and getting my head above water again. I know a lot of my friends can understand this place. When life throws you multiple curveballs in a row, you just have to roll with it.
About a month or so ago my kiddo was sick. Any of my Moms out there know that when the kiddos aren't right, we aren't right. I was stress eating and didn't work out for a week while trying to figure out what was wrong with her. Gratefully she recovered a few days before we went on a huge family vacation. There were 16 of us on that trip and it was SO great to connect with my favorite people and things that fill my cup: Family, Sun, Sand, and Water. We had SO MUCH FUN, so it was a bit of a downer when we came down with "you know what" 1 day after returning from vacation.
The last month has been a blur. My food choices were poor at best, I didn't do any resistance training, I watched WAY too much TV, and slept more than I have in a very long time. It's amazing how much free time you have to reflect on life when you are sick.
3 things that I have learned over the last month:
1. Don't overlook the small things. I think this one is the biggest. I didn't realize how I had gotten so caught up in getting through the daily grind, that I stopped being grateful for the little things that in reality are the big things. Express gratitude DAILY for those little things you take for granted like being physically able to get up and go to work, take a walk, kiss your family, or prepare nourishing foods.
2. I realized how easy it would be to just rely on ordering out meals for delivery. I can totally see how people that can't get out or choose not to go out can overeat and gain weight. Our society of convenience has gotten out of control
3. Be patient with yourself. The recovery from this will not be quick. My stamina is not nearly what it was, and my gym workouts have to be modified for now. I tend to be one who does too much at the first sign of feeling better and have had to put the breaks on a lot over the last week. I understand that this is a marathon, not a sprint.
I have a new sense of empathy for those with a chronic illness that go to bed each night and pray to wake up feeling just 1% better.
For anyone else having to dodge the curveballs of life, I see you. Don't beat yourself up if you have taken 2 steps forward and one back. There was a Rocky movie marathon on while we were recovering and I have always loved this quote, but it has a certain relevance now that maybe it didn't have before:
“It's not about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.” Rocky Balboa
Keep moving forward friends:)